Monday 21 December 2015

Bilcare points out the best ways to develop an RFP

Request for proposals (RPF) is usually put up by a pharmaceutical company having a drug product looking for a contract manufacturing site.  RPF includes all the information about the organization and time & cost involved. It is a crucial aspect that has a major effect on the relationship between the manufacturer and sponsor. The transfer of technology and the cost of commercial products can be adversely affected by a poorly organized RPF. It also has the potential to slow down the process of selecting the best manufacturer. Bilcare, a prominent name in the medicine packaging industry points out the important aspects an organization should ensure while developing a RPF. 

A well organized RPF should cover all the information like the manufacturing process involved, the formula used, the use of specialized equipment, raw material and packaging components used, analytical specification & methods, the API safety data and the materials & associated grades or specifications needed. The other details include the size of the bottle and cap, the use of desiccant, the quality control testing required and the regulatory strategy. 
All the outsourced activities are controlled and reviewed under the ICH Q10 guidelines. The FDA and ICH requires a technology transfer to achieve product realization through the smooth transfer of comprehensive knowledge of the process and product. Bilcare points out that communication is a crucial part of this process. It is recommended by the FDA as it acts like a quality agreement for stating the responsibilities and roles of each party.  
The company focuses on the need for ensuring environment friendly and safety measures in the process of formulization. Bilcare states that these measures can be ensured through a material safety data sheet (MSDS) and Safe Bridge Consultants Potent Compounds Safety Rating, which safeguards the manufacturing employees from all potential risks involve

Wednesday 2 December 2015

The Medicine Packaging industry is worth $101.3 billion in the year 2015

The world Healthcare packaging market is a treasure of $101.3 billion in the year 2015. The medicine packaging experts and specialists analyzed the same by going through the market situation, trends and technology being used in the market, and predicted the forecast of the healthcare packaging industry in the year 2015.

It was found in this analysis that major factors responsible for the growth of the medicine packaging market are rapid development in the healthcare sector and medicine packaging industry along with the rising functional requirements for healthcare packaging products. Experts analyzed that the factors which contributes in increasing the demands of pharmaceutical products and services include the growing number of old people around the world, change in people’s lifestyles and frequently spreading chronic diseases. All these elements collaboratively boost the medicine packaging industry.

The experts concluded in this analysis, that despite of rapid growth of Indian and Chinese medicine packaging industries, USA will remain in the lead. The factors which contribute to the growth of these developing economies’ medicine industries are the increasing rate of standard of living and personal disposable income.

The Indian economy is doing well in the healthcare sector and medicine packaging industry, with the support of numerous anti clinical packaging specialists like Bilcare, who all are quality product and quality service providers. Bilcare is a global leader in anti-counterfeiting packaging and medicine packaging, which has numerous representative offices in more than 20 countries. The medicine packaging expert, Bilcare is globally renowned for its quality products and services, and in order to make sure about it, the firm has established many research and operation centers in developed Nations like Germany, Singapore, Us and others.

In materials healthcare packaging market, plastic is expected to stay ahead in the race because of its high level of adaptability and cost effectiveness and where glass is used for medicine packaging, it might get replaced by other substitutes like vision gain predicts and plastic.

Friday 20 November 2015

Importance Child Resistant Packaging & Preventive Measure

Sometimes medicine becomes the most poisoning accidents, household products and cosmetics. As the survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), Child-Resistant medicine packaging is one of the best-documented solutions in preventing the accidental poisoning of children. It also observed that pharmaceutical drugs are the leading cause of non-killing poisoning in children in medium and high income Nations.


Child-resistant (CR) medicine packaging is being used to overcome the risk of poisoning in children via the ingestion of potentially hazardous items including certain prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications, pesticides, and household chemicals. According to the US Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA), the term “Child-resistant” means that packaging is designed or constructed to be very difficult for children under five years of age to open or obtain a toxic or harmful amount of the substance contained therein within a reasonable time and easy for normal adults to use properly.
It doesn’t mean that children from this category cannot open a CR-packaging within a reasonable time. The CR-packaging is intended to be a last line of protection with safe and adequate storage of drug being the first defensive measure in harm reduction.
The CR-closure for bottles and jars is well known, so I made a selection of recent developments in CR-packaging outside the bottle and jar sphere. I have 3 CR-designs for aerosols and/or spray bottles, 2 recent launches of CR-folding cartons with blisters, a CR-solution for flexible (stand-up) pouches and a CR-blister lidding option. It will be a long story, so the 3 CR-designs for aerosols go to the next article. In this one the folding cartons, the stand-up pouch and the blister lidding.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

How to Beat Hidden Costs in medicine Packaging ?

Especially for anyone balancing their priorities, juggling multiple projects, and taking on increased responsibility, it can be a real challenge to identify and eliminate hidden costs like time spent on medicine packaging. Ironically, you often have to spend time just to find ways to cut time spent on a project. However, it gets easier when you know who to turn to and know how to examine the following key areas to achieve savings you can measure.

How to Save on medicine Packaging?
It might be an understatement to say how incredibly valuable time is in today's business environment, but it needs to be emphasized until we all are more cognizant of opportunity costs. Since we could always use more time and opportunity to do what gets the best return, we can save both time and energy in these five key areas and get the product packaging you need for optimal function and shelf appeal.
Here are the savings we're seeking out for customers:
1. Sourcing the best packaging components or total solution from huge global network. Global networks like ours don't just spring up overnight, medicine  packaging specialists have an extensive history of growing network for the long-term. Our customers don't have to start from scratch and each of our experiences lead to your gains.
2. Sharing industry knowledge to help customers stay on top of changes in regulations and more. Whether it is a required change for child resistant packaging for products containing imidazolines or a rather obscure best practice talked about deep inside the pharmaceutical packaging industry.
3. Finding the best freight option.  Make this as simple as a few questions for you and then run with it to get your product from where it starts to where it needs to arrive at the time it's needed. Always looking to save you time and deliver superior customer service, and this is a prime example of one area we do everything to deliver on that.
4. Holding network to a high set of standards to deliver the highest quality products. Global advantage is something we take much pride in, so we utilize every opportunity to bring a world-class approach. 
5. Utilizing knowledge that comes from year after years of experience as a leader in the packaging industry. At Bilcare Packaging, work is a tradition handed down through the family and to extended family of employees building long-term relationships and packaging authority. Teams of experts and specialists have always worked for the long-term and lead so customers can have every advantage possible.

Monday 9 November 2015

Medicine Packaging Firms

Medicine packaging is a vital component of the medicine delivery system as pharmaceutical companies have to be extremely careful that their drugs reach the end user in a sterile and usable condition. The packaging has to meet stringent FDA standards, be suitable for the contents and also be easy to transport and keep on shelves, be antiseptic, tamper proof, have childproof caps at the same time being senior friendly. When  medicines have to be used in a hospital or institutional environment, they may require different packaging than when they are used by a retail customer. Medicine packaging is used by pharmaceutical companies.
Pharmaceutical companies manufacture a wide range of medicine with different delivery systems including:
· Ingestible liquids
· Sprays
· Drops
· Creams, ointments and gels
· Tablets
· Gel caps
· Dispensers

Often specific medicine need very special packaging – sometimes doses have to be marked, sometimes medicines have to be available in a single dose, disposable container. Other times drugs have to be dispensed in particular quantities in containers that are safe for long-term use.
Medicine packaging has to be done in impermeable containers that are strong enough to keep the contents safe during handling and transport. The product should be safe from adulteration, biological contamination or physical damage. Containers may be available in:
· Glass
· Polycarbonate
· Polypropylene
· Polystyrene

With advances in technology and packaging materials, you can get the right packaging for your drugs that are safe, meets all the regulatory standards and is attractive.
If you need the proper packaging for your pharmaceutical products, you have come to the right place. Bilcare can easily source what you need and even suggest the correct packaging solutions for your medicine. You can design special packaging containers for your products as well and our design team is always ready to help you. What's more, we offer the best rates and friendly services – once you come to us, you will never go anywhere else.

Saturday 7 November 2015

The result of good-quality medicine packaging

The future of sustainable, high-quality medicine packaging depends on the development and follow-through of a strict assessment plan at all levels of an organization’s supply chain. This may mean manufacturers rely more on their packaging suppliers to promote sustainability. By using biodegradable resources, like paperboard, and by using those that support sustainability at all stages of the package lifecycle, organizations can satisfy the demands of safety-compliant and sustainable packaging.

Although challenges still exist in the pharma packaging production, innovation will continue to provide solutions for more efficient packaging and a cleaner environment. Research planning and development departments and engineers will all play a key role in the future of medicine packaging. Pharma companies will benefit from the time spent transitioning to a more sustainable model, especially as they see growing consumer satisfaction.While the process is challenging, this shift to sustainability will positively impact the pharma industry, and any others who produce packaging, the consumer, and most importantly, the environment.

The assessment and controls depend on what your drug is—so there is not a catchall solution. “Some drugs can be absorbed, some can be inhaled, some can be ingested, and some therapeutics can be all three. So you have to build in safety systems for all three methods of transportation into the worker’s body.” Rather than develop these safety systems for every drug individually, the guidelines suggest building a banding system that is used for all drugs.

The point of building a banding system is to categorize the risk levels of drug properties. Through a team represented by toxicology, health and safety, engineering, quality, validation, and operations, those categories are delineated into bands based on the control processes (including process, operational, engineering, and procedural controls) that the packager can implement. Examples of controls include containment systems, housekeeping, room ventilation, material transfers, and airflow controls. Then during the individual drug assessment, a drug is assigned to a band based on the comparison of the drug properties vs the band properties.